Hq Crossfire????
Am curious if anyone here has one and what you think of it as far as durability, pull, lift, etc. Also do you fly with a bar or with handles with the
Crossfire? I know that's personal preference, but I'm really curious how well it works with a bar.
Thanks for any input,
do not own one, but have flown a few. As far as durability it is great, construction not as good as felxi, but then it is alot cheaper, it is made
well though, certainly better quality than the beamer. The lift is good, not as snappy as blades lift, you know when its coming, and can do some big
jumps with them. Size for size they have a good amount of pull compared to other kites, for example a 4m crossfire probably has equal or more pull to
a 5m beamer. If you did put one on a bar, they like break input to fly, so i would put it on a crossover system on the bar