Well I have been wanting to fill a hole in my quiver mainly the low wind range. As a 5.0 Ozone flow and a 3.2 Vapor kind of have the same wind range.
So a few months ago I heard of Kitebookie.com I started looking and noticed a 6.5 Vapor posted in January. Mind you This was almost June. I decided
that it was a long shot but I would send an email. It was listed $500 With handles and strings…No Bag. The guys screen name who listed it was
"inovermyhead". He had bought the kite for scudding. LOL. In over my head indeed.
Anyways I finally saved up enough of my "blood" Money to buy the kite. 2 and a half months it took to save up the money. I emailed him and he still
had it.
He sent some pics the kite was in excellent condition. So I got the kite 4 days later. Man was I excited. Guess what no wind to strong of wind work
and other things kept getting in the way. I also had to replace the strings that were on it. He had used them on a different kite, one week prior to
sending me the kite.
I found that the easiest place to do anything like string changes bridle changes and other things was to do it at work on a break.
I work in a hanger so big empty areas with no wind. I took my strings off the 14m Frenzy to use on the Vapor. Well the next day while I was a work the
wind was good for a test flight 5 to 7 mph. I'm talking static flight here no buggy. So good wind speed. Problem was I was at work. HMMM IDEA! We have
a program called Fit 4 Life, basically you get 3 payed hours a week to go exercise. I figured Kite flying=exercise right. (Either way don't tell my
The field I flew in has a build and trees all around it so winds were choppy shifty and gusty. I launched it anyways. She flew oddly I had to adjust
the break lines quite a bit for her to fly properly. I shortened them I would say probably 4 to 5 inches. Then she really came into her own. Down
turns and jumping were amazing considering the fact there was almost no wind. This went on for about 45 minutes with a lot of down time due to the
gusty shifty winds. Still had enough fun to lose track of time and was late coming back(again don't tell my boss).
2 days later I took the buggies and Jakoda, my pooch, out to the lake to see how the Vapor would fair actually pulling something. I got everything
all set up and wouldn't you know it the wind died. So I waited about 10 minutes and finally a puff of wind so I launched it man does that kite pull.
In almost no wind I was moving through overgrown grass and dirt like I was on a mowed field. I almost got yanked when a sudden gust hit and I am not
sure how this happened but I went up and forward and somehow came back down in the buggy I wasn't actually in the seat but with some very quick
adjusting I was back and still moving.
Jakoda likes his box. He road in it like a champ. He also likes to run beside me. I find this very distracting but I can get use to it.
All in all the 6.5 Vapor is a very good kite I just couldn't believe the power and acceleration of that monster. Thank you "Inovermyhead" for the
wonderful kite.
I am hoping to borrow a go pro and get some footage of us out there bugging on our playa before it is underwater again.
go fly a kite trainer 1.4 m
thunderfoil 9 ft.
Flexi sting 1.7m
Ozone flow 2.0 m
PL Vapor 3.2 m
Ozone Flow 5 m
PLVapor 6.5 m
frenzy 14.0 m