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Author: Subject: Flexifoil Prolink handles
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[*] posted on 24-11-2012 at 02:46 PM
Flexifoil Prolink handles

Hey all! I hope that everyone had a great Turkey Day and are getting in some good flying time this weekend. :)

I was curious as to what you all think of the Flexifoil Prolink handles? I have a new Prism Tensor 5.0 and I like the concept of the bar/handle option that Prism offers, but after using it in handle mode, they're not the most ergonomic and easiest to grip well, so I am looking for a new set of handles that will allow me a stronger/better grip. It looks like the ProlinS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s have a nice, grippable rubber handle and allows ya to run the leader line between the fingers with the thumb on top, as to offer a nice, straight pull on the wrists. And I liked the steel pin for attaching the power lines as well as a strop line.

If you all think they're a good choice, where can I order them from? I notice that most dealers are overseas and many do not ship to the US.

Also, do you guys think it's wise to own/use a wind meter? I've never used them before for my kiting, as I just went off of feel, but I wasn't sure how important they may be in this power kiting world.

Thanks for the help everyone! :)

Jeff :)

Prism - Hypnotist, Zephyr, Snapshot 1.9, Tensor 5.0
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[*] posted on 24-11-2012 at 04:34 PM

I got most, if not all of my sets from Angus at www.coastalwindsports.com. Don't see them currently listed on his site, so he might just be out of stock. Drop him an email and he should be able to get you a fairly accurate shipping estimate.

Otherwise, you can try Jim at FunWithWind.

Flexifoil used to sell the ProLinks with or without Kite Killers. I believe currently they sell them without, so if you want them, you have to remember to order them seperately.

Overkill with smaller kites, but the Prolinks should be a good match with th 5M Tensor.


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[*] posted on 24-11-2012 at 04:36 PM

I can answer 1/2.

I have the Prism as well. Flying with the bar is not interesting or fun for more than 5 seconds. I put mine together because many people were interested. Each person flew for a second or two and said "Um...no". Handles are definitely the way to go.

I agree that the Tensor handles are big and bulky. I used to think they were just fine until I used other handles from other manufacturers and then went back to the Tensor and thought they were bulky. Of course I used to think my 4.2m was big and scary...now, after mastering the 9m the 4.2 seems juvenile. Weird.

As for the wind meter...I bought a high end one that probably fell off the back of a truck or the person needed drug money. $100 for the $300 Kestrel that had never been used. It was, and is, very interesting to use it a few times. I bought it for exactly the same reason that you are thinking of it. I wanted to get a feel for an actual, tangible, quantitative number.

I occasionally put it on a tripod and let it run so that others can see it.

I bought it with the understanding that I could/would sell for exactly what I paid once I get an understanding.

My recommendation is to shop around, get one on Craigslist that is well under retail. Use it for a year and then sell it for what you paid.

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[*] posted on 24-11-2012 at 09:33 PM

Thanks for the info guys!

Indigo... I greatly appreciate the links as well. I'm quickly finding out that the UK is a hotbed of windsports with availability everywhere. I'm still in search of finding a good retailer where I can get gear and accessories as I grow with the sport. I think the 2 links you gave me will both be great contenders that I will save to my "favorites" list. :)

Jeepers... if you run into more people needing drug $$ and selling Kestrels out of the back of their trucks, send 'em my way! Haha! :) I haven't flown my Tensor with the bar as of yet. Set it up immediately for handles since I wanted to gain experience in flying 4-line, but I'm assuming that the bar is generally good for snow and water kiting, whereas the handles are better for land traction such as buggying and such? I've seen people use both ways, but I've never seen the surfers or the snowboarders using handles. Thanks for the tips.

Jeff :)

Prism - Hypnotist, Zephyr, Snapshot 1.9, Tensor 5.0
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[*] posted on 25-11-2012 at 10:04 AM

Angus at Coastal Wind Sports no longer carries Flexifoil products.

The Prolinks are very nice feeling handles. They are noticeably heavy but that doesn't matter so much if the kite is powered up. I've also heard of the strop pin seizing and stripping but that didn't happen on mine. You are locked in to use strops with a built in loop since they have to go behind the pins and there is no other way to attach your strop line to them. Overall nice handles for sure.

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[*] posted on 25-11-2012 at 09:12 PM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Angus at Coastal Wind Sports no longer carries Flexifoil products.

The Prolinks are very nice feeling handles. They are noticeably heavy but that doesn't matter so much if the kite is powered up. I've also heard of the strop pin seizing and stripping but that didn't happen on mine. You are locked in to use strops with a built in loop since they have to go behind the pins and there is no other way to attach your strop line to them. Overall nice handles for sure.

Bob I have to disagree with your statement about requiring a built in loop. I found that the clearance around the pin is tight enough that I can run the strop "around" the pin with only a stopper knot on the end. I love the feel and handling (pun intended) of these handles.

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[*] posted on 25-11-2012 at 10:41 PM

I actually flew Angus's 8.6m Reactor II on pro links on JI last month,... And yes, they are heavy, but you get used to them.

FWIW,... I think the Peter Lynn handles are perfectly good and I imagine they are a lot less expensive

Only $22 here http://www.bigmikeskites.com/Parts/KiteParts.html

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[*] posted on 25-11-2012 at 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Cerebite
Originally posted by BeamerBob
Angus at Coastal Wind Sports no longer carries Flexifoil products.

The Prolinks are very nice feeling handles. They are noticeably heavy but that doesn't matter so much if the kite is powered up. I've also heard of the strop pin seizing and stripping but that didn't happen on mine. You are locked in to use strops with a built in loop since they have to go behind the pins and there is no other way to attach your strop line to them. Overall nice handles for sure.

Bob I have to disagree with your statement about requiring a built in loop. I found that the clearance around the pin is tight enough that I can run the strop "around" the pin with only a stopper knot on the end. I love the feel and handling (pun intended) of these handles.

Good idea! I hadn't thought about that possibility. I only had Prolinks for about a year or less so didn't experiment that much with them.

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