Found a "humble bundle" over at reddit... Basically its a few slightly older games you can buy for whatever you want. Money goes straight to the devs
or a charity.... Its a great deal! Its usually indie games, but this go-around its THQ!
I think its only windows & steam however.
I just bought these and can verify its not a scam.... Pm me and we can jam on steam when the wind's not blowin!
Any questions shoot me a pm
PL: Twister II 5.6m, Phantom 15m / 12m, 10m Synergy, JIBE Viper 5.3m, Charger 19m
HQ: Montana 4 12.5m, Apex 3 5m
Flexi: Blade ViP, Rage 1.8m \"lil Pepi!\"
FlexiFoot Bug / FlexDeck / MBS Core 95 / Custom Carbon Fiber MTH \"Monster Door\"
Corsair Crash Test Dummy (QC Suervisor
My most perfect days have been on Jekyll