Decided to hold onto this one for a while...
Cooper 10.2m VR RTF, $575 shipped within continental US. Other desitinations possible if buyer willing to help with additional shipping expense.
Includes complete Ready-to-Fly package (kite, lines, handles and a generic back pack).
Like new, very low usage. If you are looking for a low wind fixed bridle engine, this will fit your needs nicely. Made of the ultra-lightweight
material, so it can launch & fly in very low winds. Used to have a Peter Lynn Reactor II 10.8m made of the heavier fabric and this Cooper could
launch in winds when I couldn't get the heavier Reactor off the ground.
Nothing wrong with this kite... it just isn't getting flown much and there are other kites I am thinking about, so am looking for a new home for this
Pictures can be seen at:
A couple of Trainers,
Some Fixed Bridle Kites (1.2m - 14m),
and some Depower Kites (3m - 20m),
GI & MBS boards,
PL XR+ buggy w/ VTT upgrade kit.