I was in Wildwood the first week in October for the new moon low tides.
Had a couple great days with SE winds.
Just want to alert everyone of a possible problem.
Since last year when the Wildwood Brain Trust decided to reshape the beach there is a lake that forms 50 to 100 feet behind the normal high tide hump
on high, high tides.
The last two days that I was there this lake was about 40 ft. wide, 3 to 12 inches deep, and stretched from the pier south to past the Bird's no go
Bring your boots just in case.
Owner - Power Kiteplace
HQ Beamer V 2.0
HQ Beamer V 3.0
HQ Beamer V 5.0
HQ Toxic 4.0
PL Comp XR+ Buggy
All available for DEMO.