most tires of this type are soft, like erasers almost, lotta grip, tarmac will eat a set in matter of couple hours esp. with decent wind and
powersliding around. ..they actually tear and pop first if really ripping them
on hard pack sand wet pack, i usually get around 400-600hours or roughly 2+ sets of bearings by then tire is soft, thin in the middle, almost start
showing some threads and bead failure at same time or at least signs of separation.
grass is deluxe, nice grip, softer for crashes , easy on the tires, bead failure before thread wear failure, if dry conditions---> very long
and i do some heelside to toeside swapping if i'm stretching the goods, tires are quick and easy to change but a hassle when u r ready to roll, so
ALways have ready a spare pumped, mounted with bearings for field repair
desert lake, hard textured stuff gives super grip and definitely can eat them quick if ripping hard. easy cruise and popping around is not rough
them .
the 8" wear quicker than 9" and the tire pressure /ur weight all play into wear, also style of riding , if ur ripping for speed with long slides u
gonna eat some tires