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Author: Subject: line twist
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[*] posted on 29-1-2007 at 08:31 PM
line twist

Hello to all,
I was wondering wether it would be advantagous to connect fishing swivels to the end of each line on my quad line kite. My problem is that the brake lines when laid out have twists along the full length, and they rap themselves around the flying lines. When I stake the four lines at the kite end, then pull on the handles real hard, the twists do come out. I have tried to de-twist the lines but they seam to return
The fishing swivels should allow the twists to unwind when flying as well as when winding the line around the handles. Has anyone else tried this ? or is it a none starter ? Or does anyone have any other solutions to overcome this very frustrating problem
Thanks in advance
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[*] posted on 30-1-2007 at 12:00 AM

I don't think that fishing swivels will be strong enough. I've not had the same problem so I am not sure what the best fix is. what type of lines do you have out of curiosity?

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[*] posted on 30-1-2007 at 06:05 AM

If your lines have no twist when you attach them, when you get your lines sorted out, there should be no twists then either. Disconnect the brake lines and walk them between your fingers held tightly a few times to get the twists out of the lines. It sounds like they were twisted when you attached them the first time. After doing this, you should have no individual twist problems.


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[*] posted on 30-1-2007 at 07:16 AM

There is the argument that wrapping the lines around the handles (held together at the bottoms) in a figure of eight will prevent twists, since first you wrap to the left, then right, and so on. It works for me.

That being said, you can sometimes introduce what looks like a twisted line set when you unwind but is not. They are sort of wrapped one direction on one end and the other direction at the other end. Fight the urge to twist the handles to "un-do" what is not really there (then your're really screwed). Walk themn out like Sam said, maybe from both directions, in order to get them to pop apart.

I find that if I wrap figure of eight and keep tesnion around the handles as well as a bit between the kite and handles (kite is weighted for the wind), and unwrap the same way, the lines fall on the ground straight as railroad tracks (OK, usually).

I find any real twists to come from excess handling of the wrapped handles, such as unpacking the kite back home for cleaning, display, etc.

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[*] posted on 30-1-2007 at 08:13 AM

The answer to your original question is No! It would not be advantagous to connect fishing swivels to the end of each line. Archkiter is right, I've been there, done that, it doesn't work. Make sure to wrap all your lines around both handles using the figure eight method. Wrap until you get to the last three feet than wrap the lines between the ends to hold the lines from coming off the handles. Pay attention to how you hold the handles when wrapping the lines, because you need to unwrap exactly the opposite way.

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