As a much newer DP kite flyer there are a lot of things I don't know. One question that has come up in a conversation about potential sale of two
Peter Lynn Lynx DP kites I'm selling is whether they would operate on an Ozone DP control bar such as comes with an Ozone Access DP kite.
In looking at the Ozone DP manual online it appears to use exactly the same system as the Peter Lynn DP kites with either the Navigator or Magnet
control bars. What I'm talking about is that the kites are powered off of four lines (two fronts and two rears). A fifth safety line originates in a
ring in the chicken loop and runs through the swivel all the way up to the kite to get tied into a simple center bridle system. This then acts as a
safety line allowing the kite to flag out.
These two systems look identical to me, but I've only held the PL stuff in my hands; my Ozone info is from a manual. Can somebody please tell me if
an Ozone Access DP kite could be flown on a PL Magnet DP control bar and whether a PL Lynx DP kite could be flown on an Ozone DP control bar?
RaceStar+ (3.0m, 5.0m, 7.0m, 9.0m)
NasaStar-5 (2.5m, 4.0m)
NasaStar-4 (2.5m)
NasaStar-3 (3.2m)
Ozone kites:
Access (6.0m)
Flysurfer Kites:
Peak-5 (2.5m)
Peter Lynn BigFoot+ nose & tail; midsection VTT rail & seat kit; home-brewed AQR
NAPKA Member US2815
SWATK Member UT0003