Simply put, the only stupid newbie question is the true question never asked.
We all have to start somewhere. Do you all think that Corey was born with a kite in his hands and a buggy for a diaper? I hear great stories about how
Dr. Sabalino started. We all start somewhere.
I myself am fairly new to this game. Here are my tricks for getting by in buggytown without acting stupid.
1. Listen! Be observant. Pay attention to what is going on around buggytown, the answers to most questions can pop out of nowhere.
2. Leave the attitude and ego at home. I came into the game with an open mind and was completely blown away with leaving with a positive attitude
adjustment and an even more open mind of possibilities. If I were to speculate on my observations, NABX 2005 was the Year of the Scooter being touched
and 06 was the Year of the Jones. Who will it be this year?
3. There is a wealth of life experiences from the residents of buggytown that seem to open up on the playa. To access them please see #1. Top fuel for
shotcars help lubricate this process. I will post more later on Fuel grades.
4. It is better to ask a legitimate question before doing something that you think may be stupid and get an honest answer than doing said "stupid
thing" and finding out the hard way that Stigma dies slowly. It is very easy to forgive, but forgetting goes a lot slower. Additionally what you
think may be stupid may not be so stupid after all. No one knows everything!
In closing here are some identifying characteristics of newbies vs. new blood.
Newbie = ego, attitude, does stupid things before thinking or asking someone, show off, closed mind, know it all or terminal uncertainty, selfishness.
New Blood = honesty, integrity, open minded, open heart, compassionate, willing, haven't been "Touched" by the playa YET!
If anyone has any questions I would be more than happy to sit and chat with you.
My address is:
123 Welcoming pl.
Buggytown, USA
Diversity in Wind, Diversity in Life