I'm at the North end of Jekyll. Winds are light, but obliquely on shore. There's not a lot of room here. However, access is very easy even for big
buggies. One fisherman and his wife. Some horses just left the beach. Please be careful near horses.
I'm gonna launch a p2 15.
I fly: Charger II 6.5m * Charger II 8m * Charger II 10m * Scorpion 10 (for sale) * Phantom II 12m * F-Arc 1200 * Venom 13m
I ride: Peter Lynn XR+ on Midis * Flexifoil Midi/Barrow * Peter Lynn Comp on Barrows * Peter Lynn XR+ (needs a fork)
I build: Custom bars for buggy pilots
I write about kite stuff: at
Philip Chase