I have a kite trike and love it but sooner or later it will completely rust out and I like the way it rides. I want to get another one built whenever
I can. Is there anyone who would undertake that project. I was thinking either stainless or steel with epoxy coating. The epoxy coating I could do my
self with some spray epoxy paint I found at an auto shop. Right now I just want the rails and axle done.
Is there a a way to drill out a 20 mm bolt and thread it to 12 mm
Elliot Kites sigma 360 --- Rev Blast 2-4 --- HQ Scout 5.0 --- HQ Crossfire II 10.0 --- HQ hydra 350
2010 Liquid Force Havoc 10m -- Slingshot ranger 12m -- Peter Lynn Scorpion 16m -- EH Cabarete Freestyle
MBS Elements mountainboard
MBS atom cruiser (stake trucks and wheels)
Peter Lynn XR+ kite buggy (std wheels and wide treads)