You may have to disconnect the lines but that is the most you'll need.
You'll have to lay it out so go to a park on a windless day.
Notice the four rows of bridles, A, B, C and Z, from the LE to the TE.
A, B, and C are one side of the mixer, Z is the other.
What happens in bow ties is the wing tip goes into the bridles and when you lay it out flat again you've probably pulled the bridle behind the kite
and over to the other side. That's all. If you've thrown the bar through the bridles then it's the same thing. If you've taken the lines of, same
again but with smaller sections of bridle...
So lay the kite out flat.
Locate the mixer and hold the pig tails for the lines on one side eg. Right hand side.
Pull out the lines so the mixer is tidy, with the front lines up and the steering lines down.
Hold them up and walk them out straight.
You should be able to spot where the twist is now.
Easiest way to fix is remove the lines, but I'd tie the mixer pig tails to a stick to stop them looping around inside themselves.
Now just follow your instinct. You may have to work the whole wing tip back through, or you may be able to just flip the bridles, but take the time to
do it slowly and carefully, and learn what happens when you do this or that. You'll notice when you add twists instead of remove them...
Just don't undo anything!
You'll get used it, and even the worst looking tangles tangles fave sorted in minutes.
Yeah... I got a kite. Or two...