I will throw out a few random comments to see if it sparks a thought or gives you a direction.
If the ass is dragging, you need to add length to the brake lines. My Rage 4.7 needed about 6" of extra line on the brake in order to fly well. I
struggled with that kite for a year before a friend (John!!) took it upon himself to make it work.
Once it launches, the brake lines should be just slightly loose and hanging down. This will allow control by just rotating your wrists.
Fly it without any strings. Attach right to the handles. You should be able to hold it in front of you and the handles should be in a neutral
position. Depending on how it looks, you might have to mess with the bridle.
Get someone else to fly it. Some people, like me (if I might be so bold) just have a knack for determining what adjustments are needed.
Make sure all the lines from the kite go directly into the bridle. None of them are twisted and the bridle looks "clean".
Pull out your lines and stake them to one point using a screwdriver. Make sure all four lines are the same length. Perhaps one or more is
significantly longer that the others. It happens. Especially with cheap lines or ones that have not been stretched.
Swap the power and brake lines. See if that helps.
Fly static in a high wind day. Perhaps it needs more wind that you think.
Perhaps it is like the Peter Lynn Vapor. The thing is a dream when it has solid, constant winds. It is tough when the wind is variable. Just as
tough to fly static.
I am going to assume you are a seasoned flier and are not trying to fly in an area with no houses or trees within a 1/2m (1 km). If not, go to a very
open area.
Best of luck!
Peter Lynn - Resurrected Vapors (thanks to Tenacious Tape): 3.2, 3.8, 4.5, 5.4m. Size 2.3m (dead) - all internal bellows shredded
Pansh - Cerberus - 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.5, 9m. (red)
Peter Lynn - Viper - 2.6m
Flexifoil - Rage - Rasta 1.8, 2.5 (dead), 3.5 (dead), 4.7 (v2). New backup of 2.5m and 3.5m.
Ozone - Method 6.5m (w/ Ozone Turbo Bar)
Libre - Bora - Yellow 3.0 & 4.5 (both on their last breath of life)
Peter Lynn - C-Quad - 6.3
HQ - NPW9: 3.4 & 5.3. NPW5: 1.0
Buggies (Kite and Land)
#1 Buggy: Libre Full-Race
#2 Buggy: Peter Lynn Suspension buggy
#3 Sailer: Homemade Land Sailer
#4 Buggy: Windspeed Pro Ivanpah Buggy named Bruce (because he weighs 130 lbs!!)
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