Copied from old forum:
July 30 2002 by Eric Silva
Hi all, I'm havign troubles rigging this kite with my control bar (four line)
As it came with minnimal (being generous) instructions, I've been experimenting with different things.
I know that the outside lines on the bar go to the front lines on the kite. Thus the rear (brake lines) on the kite go to the middle of the bar, and
hooked into the chicken loop.
When the kite is powered, should there be any slack in the rear lines?
Another problem that I'm having is when I depower the kite it depowers completely and then wants to start death spiraling unless i pull the bar
back in and regain control..
I know there is a wealth of knowlege out there, please help me!
(also, if you need to ask a question so I can be more specific please do!)
Please direct all replies to
thanks again all