I have offered my 40' RV with 20' awning and night time service for the cause. A different kind of Kite Fort, just bigger.
I believe its past time to sit down with JIA and explain our needs!
Every other Event there leaves their CRAP all over the park for 3-7 days, why not us!
Last year I counted 7 RV's parked overnight for 5 days!
I believe that if JIBE had a CONTRACT with JIA, our EVENT would have RELEVANCE and our needs would be on paper.
WE NEED A CONTRACT rather than a wink and a handshake to lock in JIBE for several years into the future and have some of the park for ourselves. All
State employees are subject to position changes, but contracts are a business deal with the State and the Event. Law.
As it is now, JIBE keeps getting pushed out of the park each year.
Too much stuff.
Ivanpah with Big Kid mods and AQR.
1.8m Beamer 2.5m Beamer
3.5m ZebraZ 2, 4.3m Zebra Z2, 6m Zebra Z2,
Zebra 4.0m Checka, 10m Zebra Z1 on the way.
4.0m Ozone Access DP foil prototype
Wipeka 5.6m DP
8.6m PL Reactor
A- 9-12-16m DP's not flown yet. Like foils better
Other junk and stuff for kite fun and RC.