toeside is where you ride with your heels facing the kite, or in just plain boarding turns (no wind power) it's where you turn to the side your toes
are pointing in.
toeside is generally regarded as being a harder stance to ride because you have to reach around your body and control the kite, plus it's just natural
to not want to fall on your face. Try just leaning forward then leaning back and see what feels more natural to fall on, your wrist and potentially
your face or your wrists and your butt.
however I find toeside very fun, the farther I lean over the better!
I learned landboarding by practicing toeside trying to go upwind first. Combining both hardest elements is tough, but if you master that, then when
it comes time to come back the other way, a downwind heelside (where you toes face the kite) run is your reward! And well worth it too.
If you think it\'s hard explaining HOW something works, try explaining WHY it doesn\'t work.
Sportin\' a Kitewing Monofilm Rage 5.5 (my go to sail), Kitewing Dacron IV8
10m Flysurfer Psycho 2 (incoming and my wallet outgoing), 5m PKD Buster, 4.8 NPW, 3.6m Ballistic Burner, 3m Skytiger, 2.1m Little Devil, 1m IMP
Surfin\' the dirt on a 16\" Flexi Freestyle Dirtsurfer with Hookworms, MBS F3 bindings, Dakine stomppads, and a custom Trampa deck (my go to
20\" GP-X Dirtsurfer
16\" GP Freestyle Dirtsurfer
MBS Atom Longboard
PL Comp ST