This is also a cool video - uses drift trike for the first 10 seconds or so. Found on
I always thought having pedals would be an advantage because sometimes you just need a push to get going or to keep moving.....I think steering one
handed would be the biggest problem, though lots of guys do ride buggy more or less one handed with a harness. The guy in the second video does seem
to be able to steer with his feet - but I don't know if he still has the pedals.
I always liked Bob's videos. Guy has great board skills and all the wind toys. From memory, he use to film a lot of the kite landboad stuff during
his lunch break.
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
Rides: Ground Industries