took a bunch of kites and my brother's 4 grand daughters - 14, 9, 8, and 2 1/2 years old - to a school field 2 blocks from their home. 55 degrees,
about 12mph wind. 14 (if that is her real name...) is flying like a champ. she was pulling, and vice-versa, a "riffclowned" 1.6 flexi big buzz. it's
now basically a 1.6 sting.
9 was banging around a 1.4 beamer. 8 was doing everything she could to keep a 1.2 sting up. that one needed a little more air.
2 had a little flexi sled kite going for quite a while before the slides and swingsets called out to her. she had about 20 feet of line out and just
kept running everywhere with it.
we were out for over 3 hours and i lost track of how many times i heard "i LOVE kites."