You have a "power adjuster strap" that is connected to the center line on one end and the main flying lines on the other.
What that does is adjust the "overall" power setting of the kite. Sheeting it in (to it's shortest distance) or pulling the front lines towards you
"depowers" the kite. Sheeting out (to it's longest distance) away from you "powers" the kite up.
That is the general idea...but there's more and it depends on the wind.
The easiest way to think about this is picture what the strap actually does. It changes the angle of attack of the kite by pulling in or letting out
the front main lines. This is not the same as what your bar does but they both do work together.
When you pull the front lines in (sheet in on the strap) you pull the front of the kite in and the kite will fly faster but produce less power. You
can zoom the kite back and forth as fast as possible and the power will be a lot less. When you let the strap out you "flatten" the kite so that is
catches more wind. What this will do is slow the kite's speed down an when you zoom the kite back and forth it will produce much more power.
That being said, speed = power!
The slower the kite flies the less power it will produce, the faster it flies the more power it will produce.....but you gotta have wind!
In light wind you can actually sheet in on the power adjuster and it will give the kite more speed which will produce better power than just lugging
the kite back and forth ultra slooooow or even stalling the kite completely. SOOOO, if you are flying in super light wind the power adjuster strap
may seem to be working backwards. Powering up the kite by letting the strap out will actually stall the kite making zero power where pulling the
strap in will allow the kite to fly faster in the light stuff and it will produce more power.
Heavy wind is where these kites work best.
The best way to fly these kites is to take them out in "almost" overpowered conditions and then pull the power strap in to kill off the excess power.
That gives you the ability to power up instantly with the bar. If the wind picks up more, pull the strap in more to kill the excess....if the wind
drops off, let the strap out to gain extra power.
You will get the max lift when you are powered up very nicely, nearly "tea bagging", a little speed and then crank in the bar. (timing is everything).
In light wind you won't get very much lift at all.
Use the power adjuster to "Kill" the excess power, not to try and create more power when it isn't there. It is a "Depower" strap.
Hope that helps.....I think....maybe....