Strops rule. The first year out skiing I avoided hooking if for "safety" factors and the amount of time I skied was directly inverse to the snow
Started using a strop 2 years ago and now ski for hours as opposed to 30-60 minutes and can go out consecutive days as opposed to 30 minutes out and 5
days off to rest.
Landboarding they really help you lean way back and get the board out in front of you to carve upwind and keep things smooth.
I know stop because my knees are sore or I’m just too hungry to go on. Before I stopped because my arms couldn’t physically take any more pain.
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
Rides: Ground Industries