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Author: Subject: X-Trac and the Firebee

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[*] posted on 28-5-2004 at 09:04 AM
X-Trac and the Firebee

X-Trac and the Firebee are kites that I have considered buy but not really heard much about. Has anyone got any comments on these kites that they could share with me, thanks.
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[*] posted on 10-3-2005 at 06:07 PM

Hi Rob,
Hope I'm not to late???
I just got rid of my Firebee and it was the best move I have done in a long time. I really don't like the Bee, flyes out of the window, luffs, gets in a pretzel any chance it gets, cheap quality, HORRIBLE spectra line thats to weak......As you can see not a big fan! Just my opinion. I traded for a Radsail, I had nothing to loose and to my surprise I'm happy I did. Superior quality(stitching a little eratic), dyneema lines, awesome bridle systeme (takes a while to get use to) quadhandles( just as bad as the Bee) and nice little rucksack. When the thing is in the air WOW. Good lift, good response.
I will tell you this the Bee taught me how to fly and how to move within the window, and how to always fly with a bit of brake, but if you want to have fun look else where and read different reviews and you'll see there not very good.
Don't give up!
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[*] posted on 12-3-2005 at 04:18 AM

An inevitable comeback from a firebee groupie...

I have a 3m firebee and I reckon it rawks. There's no doubt that it takes a while to get working right, but once you do it's great.

Power rings are completely essential, sorts out most of the luffing and overflying mentioned above. And yes, the handles are hellish. New set of handles for 15 quid and 20p worth of curtain hoops/extra bridle and you're well away.

The lines aren't shipped with the kites, so that's entirely down to the supplier. Also fly a 4m bee frequently and that too is very good, although the flying characteristics are very different. The 3m has to be kept moving to keep the power coming and zooms around, whereas the 4m is a lot slower, but can generate plenty of power whilst stationary. I've also just got my hand on a 6.5m version, so will let you know how that goes.

To be honest, I haven't had much experience with other kites to comment on the build quality of the bees, but I've given the pair of them a battering and they're still pretty much as new. Not a sign of a rip, not a hint of a fraying bridle. I think for the money it's clear that firebeeness is next to godliness. :D
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[*] posted on 12-3-2005 at 03:26 PM

The spectra line was supplied by Rhombus and was the one that came for this specific model (3.5 to 5.5).There's no doubt that it takes a while to get working right, but once you do it's great. : Do you want to fly or tune a kite???
I don't want to put down the Bee, but try the Radsail and you will see what I'm talking about.
By the way I had no luck with the rings, the kite would only work with a bit of break, wich made it hard to mount on a bar and it's my belief that you should'nt have to add stuff (power rings)if you have a kite that's well designed!
Maybe the best thing is to add a bunch of power rings and use the kite as a shower curtain:)
Best thing fly as many different kinds and brands and you will know then!
Don't give up and happy flying.
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