The paraskiflex is a type of kite made in Quebec and
quite popular here.
The main reason it is popular (more than 3000 users)
is the simplicity of use and safety.
The kite keeps its shape by inserting a carbon pipe
all the way along the upper edge. It becomes like a
LEI with a rigid edge. So the kite keeps its shape
and will not invert, etc..
It has no depower. The natural bar position is upright.
The bar is around 70cm long. So for changing the AOA,
you just incline the bar (like with handles).
If you want to turn the kite, you steer the bar right
or left like a car steering. For a begineer, this is a
very intuitive move.
There are 3 lines. 1 Front line attached to the top of
the bar. 2 rear lines attached to the bottom of the
bar. The lines are very short (< 10 yards). SO control
is easy.
The bar is attached with a rope with 2 points on the
harness. It can be unooked by a snap hook easily.
Due to the weight of the kite, and the carbon pipe,
it takes more wind than a foil for the same surface.
I own a 30-70 (7m smallest size), which is probably
equals to 3-3.5 foil.
Safety: just lie down the kite, and it lies flat on
the ground. No trouble.
Advantages: simplicity, safety, beginner starts snowkiting
in 10 minutes.
Disadvantages: boring to fly ! takes more wind, so forget
light winds.
Yes you cam jump, with a big paraskiflex. Nothing to
compare to a foil or LEI kite though.
It is a great kite to initiate friends to snowkiting
in few minutes.
The wife will enjoy this kite. They can be used by
young kids (8+ ??) on their own, and by old kids too
up to 99yo. :-)
But they are expensive. Brand new starts at 600$.
I bought mine used 1 season for 400$ last year.