Greets, gang!
Okay, so we were't informed of the details of this proposal, just like no Americans were informed of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill that set off the
land grab thru the passage of the FLREA, or Recreation Access Tax (RAT).
These things are changing, behind closed doors, without public participation, and that is what is wrong with the whole, stinking deal.
Now think about this: Cargo airport in the Primm Valley, taking out Jean and Roach. Solar power plant taking Ivanpah, west of the 15. What's going
to happen to land values in the Primm Valley when all of this development takes its final form? Where will the maintenance and service people live?
Where will they park? Where will they buy toxic fast food and Pampers for their spawn, and who will be sitting on the available tracts of
"wasteland", ready to sell it off for HUGE profits?
It's gone, I tell ya... better enjoy it now... ask the folks who used to live in the pristine deserts of Palmdale, or Victorville, or even sleepy
little Adelanto... seen the tract homes out there, lately?
So, where they put the solar panels makes not a bit of difference... it's PUBLIC land that's being sold to PRIVATE ENTERPRISE, and the so-called
"managers" do not have the right to do so... not without putting it to a voters' initiative.
Why, one must ask, do all these bills and legislative maneuvers take place at midnight sessions in Washington D.C., or get tacked onto "must pass"
budgetary enactments?
-Dooley :moon:
Mike \"Lack-O-Slack\" Dooley
\"Nothing is foolproof, to a sufficiently talented fool!\"