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Author: Subject: Flysurfers

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[*] posted on 23-2-2008 at 07:32 PM

Hi all.

Couple of questions for everyone and anyone. I had a grand plan to buy a new kite shortly. Most of my experiance has been on water with inflatables, so I was looking at a light wind inflatable, specifically a Contra 3 17meter.
This winter I have been snow kiting a lot with a blade 3 6.6 and absolutely love it. Unfortunately when the snow has been deep there are a lot of days it wasn,t quite enough, so I thought I would get a bigger kite for winter as well.
Then I got looking at the flysurfers. There isn't anyone around here who flies them, or sells them.
What I would like to know is what are the differences between the Pulse 2, the phsyco 3 and the speed 2s. I've been looking at the 15 meter speed 2 in the 4 sale and thinking long and hard.
What I would like to know from someone who uses them is how easy are they to relaunch from the water?
Also what would the wind range be for a 160 pound rider be in the water? Mostly the low end as I have other higher wind inflatables.
Also how tough are they because I would be using them winter and summer so it would be used a fair bit.
I have read about them on the web site and everyone here who uses them seems to like them, but I would like to know what the difference between the different models is.
Thanks in advance John.
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[*] posted on 23-2-2008 at 08:12 PM

Hi John

A flysurfer Speed2 15m will give you a better low end and more power than the contra 17.

There is powerzone who has a speed2 15m and a psycho3 13m for sale on this forum. Actually the P3 13 is very cheap. And the speed2 15m has a good price too. Go for it.

I recently tested the speed2 15m in very low wind (between 5-10 knots) using a snowboard on about 5-6 inches of powder. am 175lbs, and I was getting some serious speed at 10knots. This is where you start riding the park and ride way. Below 10 knots you have to sin (up+down) the kite to generate more power but you can move and have real fun.

On water, depending on your board, I was told you can start riding around 7-8 knots. No LEI will ride then. You will be alone on the water.

I own a pulse 7, psycho3 10, and i just got my hands on a speed2 (silver arrow light fabric) 15m this week. Not tested yet but I am sure it will be lot of fun.

I am very satisfied with flysurfer products, and everyone who owns them will tell you so. They have hugh depower compare to other brand, and everything is top quality.

The Pulse is lower aspect ratio. More stable. Easy reverse relaunch. Just pull one rear line, and the kite turns on a dime. Pulse2 has been improved, apparently faster turning. Read domdino's post about it. Most popular in small size (below 10m).

The Psycho3 is the freestyle medium aspect ratio. Still easy to reverse launch but a bit more difficult than the Pulse. Intermediate to advanced riders have fun with this kite. Lot of lift. Most popular in medium size (8 to 13m)

The Speed2 is the higher aspect ratio (5.9). Hugh lift and hangtime. Best depowerable lightwind machine on the market. Most depower. Turns slower than P3 and Pulse. But it's more a park and ride type of kite. The kite to have when your friends play scrabble on the beach. Most popular for big sizes.

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[*] posted on 23-2-2008 at 08:27 PM

I own Flysurfers and I am very satisfied with their products :)

I weigh 150lb and had a blast with SA2 (speed2) 19M in light wind last year. I currently have SA2 15M and used it on snow. Even though it doesn't have low end like 19M does but still is a great kite. Good thing about size 15M is that you don't have to come back to change kites when wind picks up.

Go for it!
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[*] posted on 23-2-2008 at 09:58 PM

"manitoulinkiter1" : where are you from? what size kiteboard are you on? or what terrain type for mtn board? snow kiting with dynamic topography? gusty winds?

Pulse2 -(low AR) the fastest turning kite of the fleet. lowest bar pressure, best FS for gusty inland wind. FLS safety, easiest relaunch, beginner thru advanced riding, good POP, unhooked, Kloops, most refined kite FS has made with all sorts of new technology behind its development.

Psycho3 -(medium AR) better upwind and better float than the pulse2. great stability. FDS safety, intermediate to advanced riders, freestyle or cruising, reverse relaunch (technique involved)

Speed2 -(high AR) best upwind, longest float, best range. favors steady winds. FLS or FDS safety, reverse relaunch (technique involved) advanced kite for advanced riders. the harder you push the Speeds the higher performance you get.

gimmie a call if you want to talk it thru.

if it is lower wind riding you want, get the speed... if its higher wind you want , get the pulse2.... the psychos will do it all.

my personal FS quiver is: SA1.5 17m, Psycho3 13m, Pulse2 10m, Spleene 134cm. covers me from 7-30+knots.

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[*] posted on 24-2-2008 at 07:47 AM

Hi All.

Thanks for the replies. I'm looking for a low wind kite for the summer time. The average wind where I kite was about 8 to 12 knots all summer. My inflatables would sometimes work in about 12 knots with a Liquid Force 169 Pickle fork. I would say I am an Intermidiate level boarder. I can get upwind most of the time and am just starting to jump. Most of my actual riding experiance and progression was in the fall with higher winds, that were quite gusty, also I've been out a lot this winter with my Blade.
As I said I am looking for a light wind kite, and usually when the wind is light in the summer it's pretty clean same as light winter winds.
Thats what I was looking at the speed for. How does the speed relaunch in the water, is it hard to do? What about the stability, do you have to keep it moving or can you park for a minute or two while you put your board on?
Powerzone I mountain board on the beach and snowkite on lakes 90 % of the time, the odd time in fields. Like I said most of the time when the winds are light 8-10 knots it isn't to gusty. For the most part I am looking for a kite to possibly get me going in 8 to13 knots after that I'm pretty well covered. Unfortunately 8 to13 is June, July and August for the most part, and about half the winter. My Blade flies well in that range if the snow isn't to deep. I will give you a call when I figure out which kite is for me. Thanks.

Thanks again John.
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[*] posted on 24-2-2008 at 09:23 AM

8-13knots is Very Low ..... start thinking Silver Arrow... there's an SA 17m on ikitesurf for 1350 that has the 1.5 and FDS.

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[*] posted on 25-2-2008 at 08:08 AM

Hi Manitou

a popular video on tyoutube showing water relaunch of a silver arrow 12m in light wind

Testing the youtube tag at the same time !!

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[*] posted on 25-2-2008 at 03:08 PM

Hey Thanks

That was cool, both the relaunch video and the U-Tube attachment.
How much practice is required to do that? It basically looks like a reverse launch of any foil kite, exept for getting the kite to open up and fan out.

Thanks again John.
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[*] posted on 25-2-2008 at 03:32 PM

its a piece of cake... do it afew times and you're golden.

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[*] posted on 25-2-2008 at 05:00 PM

man, in the waves at my spot that'd be a three piece kite in the first 5 seconds. That is an impressive relaunch in less than 10knts. wow...:thumbup:
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