remember Jarv first posting it. Hes a nutter.
Yep, Parapacking wins for me. Just shuv em in the center of the kite in the bag, and shuv the handles down the other side. Only problem is when it
rains and the wet lines stick to your hands as you push em in, you also pull em out. To solve this problem is get an extra large stuff sack with lots
of space when you put the lines in.
Also unpacking, you can beat any winder to set up by staking your handles and RUNNING out with your bag.
Another tip is to grab a good length of lines when packing away , the lines go in a lot quicker. I dont bother to figure 8 or anything and the lines
still come out tidy.
Had too many kites to mention, and settled with some worn out old cheapo kites, buggy and board