I know that many of you will be bringing a first aid kit. For those who don't and even for those that do, I'll be carrying a first aid kit specially
for road rash, something almost inevitable if you spend enough time on the playa.
The key to treating road rash is to prevent the wound from drying up and scabbing over. I have some medicine designed by Brave Soldier that is
formulated to treat road rash. The anti-bacterial spray First Defense is non-stinging and is used to immediately treat the wound. After that is to
apply the Brave Soldier Ointment. This stuff is like neosporin on steroids. Apply this 3 times a day with a Tefla non-stick bandage for a couple of
days and you will be amazed how fast the wound will heal, with no scabbing or scars.
Just come see me at camp and I'll hook you up. I'll have the beermug flag flying
If you think it\'s hard explaining HOW something works, try explaining WHY it doesn\'t work.
Sportin\' a Kitewing Monofilm Rage 5.5 (my go to sail), Kitewing Dacron IV8
10m Flysurfer Psycho 2 (incoming and my wallet outgoing), 5m PKD Buster, 4.8 NPW, 3.6m Ballistic Burner, 3m Skytiger, 2.1m Little Devil, 1m IMP
Surfin\' the dirt on a 16\" Flexi Freestyle Dirtsurfer with Hookworms, MBS F3 bindings, Dakine stomppads, and a custom Trampa deck (my go to
20\" GP-X Dirtsurfer
16\" GP Freestyle Dirtsurfer
MBS Atom Longboard
PL Comp ST