Copied from old forum:
December 28 2002 by doomwheels
> we tried to keep it still,but it sled untill nearly vertical.
The nature of any kite is to fly forward to the point of stalling. The more efficient the wing, the better it will fly to the highest point of the
wind window (directly overhead or to the sides by 90 degrees to the pilot's downwind line). A kite will fly to this point and then sit still.
> do you always have to sway it back and forth?
> aint there no sweet spot where you can take your eyes from the kite?
If you have a stable kite, it will sit at top center (overhead) without much effort . This is, however, the point that produces the least amount of
power. If you want the kite to power-up, you need to keep it flying through the power zone.
Usually a snaking maneuver ("S" turns up and down in the direction you are traveling) is best for maximizing power. This is assuming that
you are moving in some manner - buggy, surfing etc. If you are standing in one position and want to power-up, simply fly horizontal passes from side
to side (lower passes cause more power).
>do four liners(and bigger kites) feel more stable
Absolutely - slower and more powerful too.
Quad-line foils are more controllable than dual-line kites in that you can control the forward speed and adjust the position of the kite within the
wind window to generate more or less power.
>what angle should the string make with the ground?
Depends on the kite style and model. I tune a quad-line foil to stall overhead at about 70-80 degrees from the ground.