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Author: Subject: Crossfire bridle lengths
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Posts: 2
Registered: 18-2-2007
Location: ND
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[*] posted on 9-5-2008 at 04:22 PM
Crossfire bridle lengths

I bought a used Crossfire 6.3 - and the brake lines are way too long. I've measured the lines, and they are the same length after cutting some down. But the brake lines are still very slack and the bottom third of the kite wants to fold back easily. I know the P.O. had a wing warp system on it, and I'm wondering if maybe the bridle is the wrong lengths now.

Where is the best place to find this out...or would anyone here have that kind of information. I tried the HQ site, but I couldn't find an English forum to log into and ask there...I'm sure it's there, I just couldn't find it.


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