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Author: Subject: Is it possible to add a 3rd line to Rush 250?

Posts: 316
Registered: 16-5-2008
Location: Tidewater, VA.
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[*] posted on 29-5-2008 at 02:33 AM
Is it possible to add a 3rd line to Rush 250?

My Mom bought me an HQ Rush 250 a couple of months ago and it's great fun to fly, but getting it back in the air after an unforeseen landing isn't so great. What would I need to do to add a third line so I can reverse launch it?

Thanks in advance,
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 29-5-2008 at 06:18 AM

I am also thinking about adding a rhudementary (butchered that) brake bridle to my 3m (also 2 line) It would just involve sewing on some tabs of ripstop at the TE of the kite, on all the same ribs there are power bridles. Then bridle it, really through trial and error here, on lenghts that is. Use some type of synthetic kite line, spectra is best, dacron will work just fine, 100# (google it)

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