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Author: Subject: thanks so much everyone....more ???s
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Registered: 7-7-2008
Location: Leduc, Alberta
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[*] posted on 30-7-2008 at 11:47 AM
thanks so much everyone....more ???s

looks like it's going to be a Blurr for the larger kite.
what size depends on more of your expert advice (sorry).
*redundancy issue- i have an older 7.5 Frenzy and an older 4.5 Little Devil 4.5m. i do not want to add a couple more kites with basically the same amount of pull.
ie. would a 5m Blurr pull like the 7.5 Frenzy? i gather Blurr will have more speed and turn quicker (which is cool) but how about pull?
same for the 4.5 LD. i'm thinking a 3m (Cult/Blurr type) but will it be much different than the LD's pull.

*HARNESSES* i have a PL waist harness which is a little large now that i've dropped a few lbs.. i'd like to try a seat type as my PL rides up all the time. are you buggy-ers comfortable with seat type harnesses? not too cramped down there when your sitting in the buggy?

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