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Hardest part of kiting for me!
I can learn everything I need to know to fly and use kites. But once I take a kite out and fly it, it's never the same. I remember how the lines
looked so nice on the winder when I first took everything out. I need how-to videos on putting kites away. Lines mainly... I won't confess to some
of the ways I've tried to make winding lines easier after a session.
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Welcome to the forum:
the easiest way that I have found to stash the kite away is as follows...
1. Land the kite, ensuring the lines are not twisted around each other, including the brake lines around the power lines.
2. Place the kite killers around the handles, in the center. This creates an anchor for the lines to wrap around.
3. Wrap the brake lines 1 time in a figure 8 around the handles, using the kite killers to secure the line. This ensures that the brake lines are
tight, and the kite will not take off powered up while you wind the lines.
4. After the brake lines have been wrapped one time, grab the power lines (gloves are a really good idea here) together with the brake lines, and
proceed with wrapping all four lines up in a tidy, tight package. When you get to the bridle knots, wrap them one time around part of the handle to
secure them.
5. Fold kite up, and place the handles with lines wrapped around them at the base of the kite. Roll kite up with handles in the center.
6. When youre ready to fly again, unwrap the lines in PRECISELY the opposite way that you wound them. This prevents line twists.
7. When you get to the end of the line, attach kite killers to your wrists, and the kite is ready to fly.
8. Use the same method every time, and after a coupple times, you will almost never have any problems with it. About 1 out of ten times, I have an
issue, but they are easliy solved.
If any of this is confusing, send me a U2U and I can send you pictures.
Of course if you have multiple kites, and only one set of handles, this will require you to remove the lines from one kite to attach to another. I
have handles and line for each kite, which makes it a bit more expensive, but in my opinion, worth the lack of headache in dealing with "Where are my
handles" that I used to ask myself.
Not to mention that I can get the kite flying in about one minute from getting it out of the bag. :singing:
I'm sure someone else will be along to tell you how they do it. I am equally sure that you will find a way that works well for you.
Flysurfer Soul v2 12m, Soul 15m, Soul v2 21m
Flexi Rage 1.8m, Jojo RM 3m, Flexi Blurr 3.5, Flexi Blade 4.0m, Flexi Blade 4.9m, Flexi Blurr 5, Jojo RM 6m
Kite Skates, Libre Full Race, GI Conflict 106, OR Mako 140, Spleene Door 159
What I Am In The Market For: Peter Lynn Vapors, Weatherproof Kite Buggy Bag for Libre, PL or Flexi Small Buggy to Tow With, Flexi Pro Link Handles,
Flexi Lines, Flexi Kite Killers
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Mood: Feeling Lucky...
A lot of people like to parapack. I personally have never really had much luck with it.
I like to handle wrap using a figure eight rotation and always keep my lines attached to the kite. I can set up and pack up in under 1-2 mins and
almost never, have any line tangles.
BTW, this topics been covered here before...just do a search and you'll find some good information.
Good luck.
Flexifoil Blurr 2.5, Ozone Cult 3.5, Nasa Star 3 4.0 Ozone Yakuza 4.0, PL Reactor 4.9, JoJo RM+ 5.0, Ozone Method 5.0, Ozone Yakuza 6.0, Flexifoil
Blade IV 6.5, Nasa Star 3 7.0, PL Vapor 7.8, JoJo RX 8.0 (in route), Flexifoil Blade VIP 8.5, PL Vapor 9.4, Ozone Yakuza 10.0, PL Reactor II 10.8, PL
Vapor 16.1, PL Venom II 13, PL Charger 15, 19, Flysurfer Unity 12, Flysurfer Pulse 2 14, Flysurfer Speed 2 SA 19, Flysurfer Speed 3 21, MBS Comp 95
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there are a few bits of info here and there on lines and kite packing. I use a figure 8 method myself, look at the winder with the 'horns' facing you
and wrap the lines in a 8 pattern. (it becomes evident instantly and then you can just hold it comfortably) I am fairly fussy about how I put my kites
away, I lay the lines out like I was checking then pre launch (I also check for wear ect.) then I fold the kite and bridles and then wind the lines. I
am not saying that this is the best or that there are not 1000 other ways people use. This works for me. I think that once you find a way of packing
the comes out untangled for you do not change it no matter who says what. If it works for you then it is perfect. The real trouble is what works for
me may not for you. It isn't just how you put away the kite but how you unpack it. They are a team pack and unpack if the disagree well you sit
untangling lines. I hope this is a tiny bit helpful.
Ozone Access 4m,6m, 10m, Razor 5.5, Sammi 2m,Profoil 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, Cooper 4.4, HQ Beamer 3.6, Pkd Buster 2m, 4m, Pansh Ace 5m, JoJo rm 3m, Best
Tempest 17m, Flexifoil Fusion 18.5m,Blurr 3.5, Flexifoil Flexdeck, PL Comp XR+, WindDragon MaxC
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Mood: Throw caution to the wind.
Yeah, it's not very fun when getting setup to fly takes 20 minutes (believe me, i've been there many-a-time). Here's how i do it(parapacking):
1. Stake down the handles after the kite has been landed.
2. Grab your bag and walk down to the kite.
3. Pull the kite towards the handles up to the end of the bridle lines.
4. Fold the kite with the bridle lines inside it and still attached.
5. Put the kite in the backpack (try to have a fold so you can stuff lines in the fold of the kite)
6. Grab the bag and walk back to the handles.
7. Grab the 4 lines all at once and start shoving them into the fold you made in the kite in the bag. (I do it one hand after another, and you'll
notice you will use your other hand that has more line in it to make sure the lines don't stick to your hand coming out of the bag).
8. When you get to the handles wrap your kite killers around the handles and put them on the side of the kite in the bag(on the other side of where
you put the line)
at this point you might think it's scary because the lines are all bundled up and might look tangled DON"T WORRY!
When setting them up:
1. Pull out the handles unwrap the kite killers and stake down the handles.
2. I then start walking down wind slowly as i manually pull out arms lengths of the 4 lines, shaking as i go. I have never gotten a knot doing it this
way. Shaking the loose line is important, knots happen when the line is tightened(obviously :P)
3. Once tot he kite just pull it out and unfold it, walk back and have fuN!
Kites:PL Hornet 2.0m, 15m Synergy
Dakine Pyro Harness
Rides: MBS Comp 16 Pro, Sector9 Longboard, Forum Snowboard
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I'm glad to know that there is no right way. So far I have my trainer kite the Rush 300. A two line kite was hard enough for me to keep straight.
The Beamer two handle kite is easy to understand, but requires some other method to wind those lines when you're done. Now my Scout is a new bunch of
lines I have to figure out what to do with. Like I said. The hardest part of kiting is when you stop!
When I camped on Cape Hatteress as a kid (1965), kites were passed on by campers. They were staked out 24 hours a day. When we left there were
nearly a dozen kites flying from our campsite...
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I parapack all the time. Whenever I try handle wrapping I get twists and tangles that take forever to sort.
Parapack instructions: http://www.racekites.com/howto/howto_11.asp
Depower Quiver: 14m Gin Eskimo, 10m Gin Eskimo III, 6m Gin Yeti, 4.5m Gin Yeti (custom bridle and mixer)
Fixed Bridle Quiver: MAC Bego 400, JOJO ET Instinct 2.5 & 5.5, Lil Devil 1.5, Sting 1.2
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I would highly suggest learning to wrap the lines around your handles. Unlike parapacking the lines you can take the kite out of the bag and refold
it or clean it without messing with the lines.
The trick with winding your lines on the handles is keeping a tension on the lines as you unwind them. If you do that there is rarely any twists or
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Quadrifoil Competition XXL
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Quadrifoil Q2000 5 meter
Quadrifoil Q2000 4 meter
Quadrifoil Qebra 3 meter
Flexifoil Blade IV 4.9 meter
Flexifoil Blade 3 10.5 meter
Flexifoil Kava
7\'3\" Hana Crew custom
6\'6\" Hana Crew custom-on Saipan
F-One 7\'3\"
Cabrina 5\'6\"-for sale
2x homebrew plywood wake/kite boards