Ohh boy did we, it was the best racing ever.
OK, I lied....:frog: We never did get that going. Sure was great havin ya out though for those morning sessions (where was everybody, duckfarts
We did have a great get together at the shop on Saturday, pizza and BEER followed by a blazing of a blaze. They not only don't fly but they don't
burn well either..
Still hoping to make it out to DBBB
Libre hardcore (bf\'s and standards) KBSS suspension front end
Pegasus buggy
PKD Combats 2.9,3.5,4.8(proto type),5,6.8,7.2,8.6,10.3,15.4
jojo rm+ 6,7,8
jojo et 2.5m
jojo rs 2.7,3.5
Ariea Raptor 2,3