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Mood: Propelled by the Air Revel in Flames Reside on the Water Delve in to the Earth
covert wend indicator???
So my new flyn spot has no flags, banners, or any other at a glance/ drive by wind indicators. I'd love to tie a 10 foot ribbon of fire line tape to the top of a light pole but Farm Fresh mite not like that to much. Has any body
else put up put up something like this? Something visible but non intrusive that won't get me arrested for vandalism.:?:
XXXLQuadrifoil kitesurfer 9.6
6.5 meter PL Pepper
5M Npw9b
3.5M PL Vapor
3.5 meter PL Pepper
2.3M PL Vapor
2m profoil
HQ Symphony 2.2
1.7 Flexi S tingthe zombie chihuahua
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We use a windsock and telescoping pole. We have them in stock. A windsock will cost you appx. 25-45.00 depending on the size, I suggest no smaller
than 48", we use a 60" model. The telescoping pole will cost appx. 45.00 depending on the size and build. Standard fiberglass 22' telescoping poles
work awesome. Just drive a stake into the ground and put the pole over it with the sock on the end. The spinning windsock (spinsock) will give you
an instant visual on wind direction pretty much anywhere on the field and the speed at which it spins will give you a very close estimate on what the
wind speed is.
Nicest thing about the poles is that they collapse down to appx. 3' in length and will fit in your trunk very easily.
Hope this helps.
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Mood: Propelled by the Air Revel in Flames Reside on the Water Delve in to the Earth
I,d love to put up a permanent windsock but I,d be pushing my luck. Im trying for something a little more -ummmm- covert :puzzled:
XXXLQuadrifoil kitesurfer 9.6
6.5 meter PL Pepper
5M Npw9b
3.5M PL Vapor
3.5 meter PL Pepper
2.3M PL Vapor
2m profoil
HQ Symphony 2.2
1.7 Flexi S tingthe zombie chihuahua
home brew doom wheels
Rollerblade Coyotes
WG/Silver custom Frankinbuggy
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Kites Up Buggy Down :piggy:
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Mood: Is now a P2 pilot, flying a Charly One Harness, and an Ozone Buzz Z =D
They aren't permanent, the idea is u can set it up, and then take it down and bring it with you. You could probably talk to any businesses nearby,
like if they own the building, like, if its a rental they wont, but if you get a nice windsock, they will probably put it up on their building, just
explain it to them what you are doing, and if its a common flying site for other kiters, they will be even more willing. At our local paragliding site
they were able to get a local to put a sock on his house, as the county wouldn't let them put a sock in the ground. Good luck either way! Maybe even
just get a flag like u see in all the real kiteboarding videos, I have a peter lynn one.
\"Once you have flown you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you have been, there you long to return\" Leonardo Da
2m Junkie
P3 Prism Stylus
3m Goflyakite Foil
5.5m NPW9b (Homemade)
6m Ozone Access
8m Pansh Ace
11m S-ARC
14m Naish Boxer
17m Peter Lynn Bomba
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Mood: Great, Got me a Harness
If ya havent found something that works by the time of the JIBE i will show what i use. I fly a banner to mark my place on the beach or where ever i
fly at
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Mood: Propelled by the Air Revel in Flames Reside on the Water Delve in to the Earth
thanks will do I may jest go with a stake and some flaging tape so it looks like it was left over from construction.
XXXLQuadrifoil kitesurfer 9.6
6.5 meter PL Pepper
5M Npw9b
3.5M PL Vapor
3.5 meter PL Pepper
2.3M PL Vapor
2m profoil
HQ Symphony 2.2
1.7 Flexi S tingthe zombie chihuahua
home brew doom wheels
Rollerblade Coyotes
WG/Silver custom Frankinbuggy
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Mood: I feel like a kid waiting on Santa Clause!!!
Would a camera tripod work instead of a stake? I would think it would be strong enough to stay standing in the gusts, mobile when you need to run, and
covert enough to not leave traces behind when moved.
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HQ Beamer III 3.0m
Pansh Legend 4.5m
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Where is your new spot?
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Mood: Propelled by the Air Revel in Flames Reside on the Water Delve in to the Earth
A field next to the newly constructed Farm Fresh in Franklin. I'd post a map link but it's to new. It's an ok spot I wouldn't say It's worth the gas
for you folks from Eastern Tidewater but its big enough for me to git in a little seat time in.
XXXLQuadrifoil kitesurfer 9.6
6.5 meter PL Pepper
5M Npw9b
3.5M PL Vapor
3.5 meter PL Pepper
2.3M PL Vapor
2m profoil
HQ Symphony 2.2
1.7 Flexi S tingthe zombie chihuahua
home brew doom wheels
Rollerblade Coyotes
WG/Silver custom Frankinbuggy
My kiting pics
Kites Up Buggy Down :piggy: