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Author: Subject: Cabrinha versus Flysurfer prices
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thumbdown.gif posted on 19-9-2008 at 12:27 PM
Cabrinha versus Flysurfer prices

who said a LEI is chaeaper than a Flysurfer

Cabrinha has just raised the level this year.:thumbdown:

from cosmickites and kite-line, Cabrinha switchblade 4 (IDS) retail prices

8m 1568, 10m 1679, 12m 1749, 14m 1899

Flysurfer Psycho4 retail price

8m 1549, 10m 1699, 12m 1749, 15m 2099

We all know that FS will has a better residual

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 12:33 PM

they arent the only LEI company to increase prices this year. manufacturing / material costs has gone up. ecomony is going down. some companies are even starting to make their customers pay in Euro.

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 12:54 PM

Originally posted by ripsessionkites
they arent the only LEI company to increase prices this year. manufacturing / material costs has gone up. ecomony is going down. some companies are even starting to make their customers pay in Euro.

ick-- It always looks cheap until you do the conversion from google.... :o:lol::o

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 01:08 PM


when does Uturn/Spleene releasing their LEI ??

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by buzz

when does Uturn/Spleene releasing their LEI ??

Yeah i'm very interested in this also!!

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 02:16 PM

I think that we've debunked the "LEI quiver for the price of one FS" myth on a previous thread. There are deals out there to be had but the prices for the "premium" brands like Cabrinha, North and SS are right up there with Flysurfer. It's too bad the new IDS kites cost so much because they look like great kites.

I've heard that prices are up 15-20% across the board for some brands. However I've noticed that some prices have actually dropped slightly for '09 on the Ozone snowkites. I'm found that the Access prices are slightly lower for the 4m, 6m, and 8m sizes. I didn't check the Frenzy/Mantas but I'm pretty sure they didn't go up.

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 02:57 PM

Stupid ripstop is petroleum derived too, and our lines....and the bladders in LEI's.....and im sure like 1/2 of the stuff in the boards are as well. CURSES!!!

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[*] posted on 19-9-2008 at 03:00 PM

cabinha is the premium brand....i recommend the kite film "metropolis" you'll see what the hype is all aboooot

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[*] posted on 20-9-2008 at 01:59 AM

Originally posted by buzz

when does Uturn/Spleene releasing their LEI ??

i have no word on this since my last post in the kiteboarding section. currently there are protos out there. unfortunely we all live here, and protos are in Germany.

its slow going, mainly because Ernst spends more time designing new gliders than kites.

with my estimation i expect to see a demo by late 09', but i'm not holding my breath. =)

honestly, this increase in price of kites is just an excuse because everyone seems to be jumping on the Fuel Increase Band Wagon.

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[*] posted on 20-9-2008 at 05:41 AM

I think you will find that most of the price increases are a result of the decline in value of the American and Canadian dollars vs the euro. The best kite fabrics come either from France, Skytex, or South Africa, Gelvenor. Ozone kites being built in Vietnam do not suffer increased labour costs, in US$, the way European manufacturers do, so they may not need to increase prices as much.

Is it possible to design for strength, if the designer doesn't really understand what strength is?
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[*] posted on 20-9-2008 at 03:34 PM

just went kitesurfing this afternoon

guess what, I was flying my Flysurfer Silver Arrow

there was a rider on a Cabrinha Switchblade 3 14m

and POW ! yes it did POW

I was so happy for me, not for him

I guess the 2009 model will not do POW because for 2000$ a Flysurfer does not do POW

So it's my first time I see a real live POW, and it makes me think how valuabe FS are.

:smilegrin: POW !

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[*] posted on 20-9-2008 at 03:38 PM

I'm certainly going to demo the new Cabrinha kites....they aren't everywhere but I do want to compare it the new Instincts

on the instinct note...you gotta see a new one. small leading edge, small struts it pumps up quicker than anything I've pumped...and it instantly deflated when the plug is pulled!!!

It's FN fast too! Stable like it's stapled to the sky....I've got loads of people off the ss Revs and on these!!!

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