Posting Freak
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Mood: Throw caution to the wind.
Hooking up Depower Wrong?
Well this is a bit embarrassing but I finally got my blaze II out this weekend, and I thought I had it all right. But it seems as though the depower
is hooked up backwards. Which it makes sense to me why:
I have the brake lines attached to the outside and the powers in the center. So I guess what's happening is it's depowering when i pull it in because
I'm pulling the brakes. Is this right? Or do my power lines go to the outside?
EDIT: what I mean is it seems as though I'm getting more power when I let it out instead of pulling it in? When I pull it in I have less power but can
turn faster and it moves faster.
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Posting Freak
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You have it hooked up right. You are likely stalling the kite. How much wind are you in? In lighter winds and flying static, de-powere kites will
appear to behave "bass-ackwards". When you let the bar out thinking you should de-power, the kite does not stall, and starts flying faster and
actually powers up a bit.
Make sure your center strap is sheeted in first to lower the angle of attack and keep the kite from stalling, and adjust outward from there as you get
moving. If the kite stalls as you pull the bar, then you have sheeted in (EDIT: OUT) too far.
I find that in light air, this kind of behavior is normal but when I get moving in the buggy, the apparent wind comes up then all is right with the
world and the kite behaves as advertised. In for power, out for de-power.
Posting Freak
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Registered: 25-1-2008
Location: Boise, ID
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Mood: Throw caution to the wind.
BAH! shoot. Yeah, sorry I made a double topic. I TOTALLY read the other topic someone had made on this and read your response Angus. Thanks for
clarifying it for me. I did get moving with it on the board so yeah, alright good to know and thank you again
Kites:PL Hornet 2.0m, 15m Synergy
Dakine Pyro Harness
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Posting Freak
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Registered: 26-7-2006
Location: Las Cruces, NM. Sometimes
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Mood: Digging Deserts and Mts.
See my edit in the second paragraph. I got myself bass ackwards!
Posting Freak
Posts: 1025
Registered: 25-1-2008
Location: Boise, ID
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Mood: Throw caution to the wind.
lol :bigok:
Kites:PL Hornet 2.0m, 15m Synergy
Dakine Pyro Harness
Rides: MBS Comp 16 Pro, Sector9 Longboard, Forum Snowboard
And always a helmet
My Kiting Blog