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what size kite for snowkiting???
okay so I'm going to attempt to go snow kiting for the first time this saturday.
my question is, out of my quiver what are the suggested snowkiting wind ranges for these kites? for an intermediate flyer who weights 190lbs on a
large 162cm Salomon Freeride style snowboard.
Flysurfer Psycho 3 13m
Flysurfer Speed 1.5 SilverArrow 17m
Peter Lynn Phantom 12m (no bar yet should be arriving friday)
I have never flown an ARC before so I'm not sure how I feel about trying it out for the first time on snow. I'd like to hear what you guys think I
should be using.
Bigsteve may be coming up with me and I think he has a Blade III 6.5m and a pulse 2 10m as well as a pulse 2 14m psycho 4 15m and SA 1.5 17m
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I just started snowkiting myself. With only two depower kites in my quiver, I ended up borrowing a buddies kite when the winds were really kickin. For
your first time, depending on snow depth, you are gonna want to run under powered just a hair. Better to work the kite, than get an unexpected trip
through the air. Your Psycho III 13m will be good up to about 15-20 mph. Over 20, I'd say grab something else. I wouldnt even grab the 17m SA. Too
dangerous on land.
From what I have heard, the 12m PL might be the perfect kite to start with, but since you dont have much time with it, you might be better off
starting with the Psycho. If winds are kicking over 20mph, I'd say grab the 7 or the 6 depending on your comfort level. If snow is deep, go up a
level, but I still wouldnt grab the SA.
Hope that helps!
Flysurfer Speed 3 15m DELUXE
Flysurfer Speed 3 12m
Flysurfer Psycho4 8m
Peter Lynn Buggy
Twisted Velocity (164)
Spleene (Monster) Door 164x50 (for sale?)
FlyDoor XL (2013)
2011 Spleene RS 132
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BTW I am similar weight and have/had similar equipement...
Below 10 knots, go with the Arrrow, no question. Up to 12-13kn maybe. From 10 to 20, go with the P3 13m. At 10kn, the P3 is enough in winter winds on
snow (all depends on snow quality and wax). Dont know the Phantom, but should be the kite for big winds.
If you have a chance, try the Psycho4 15m. !!!!!!
I now have this kite, and used it last Sunday in crappy winds with gusts up 17-18knots, and lulls down to 5kn. Depower is hugh, everybody else were
flying open cell 6/8/10m, or LEI 9m-12m and less.
I was the only one on a big kite the P4 15m. Well powered but only half trimmed. I had a blast. WOW.
I felt there was still a lot margin for power, and the kite was doing well in lulls. Never been underpowered. Now I want to try it in 10m.
Flysurfer Triple depower: best 2008 innovation!!!
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Snow conditions will make a big difference in the amount of power you can hold down on snow. And your abilities as a snowboarder.
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snow conditions are unknown currently. I'm guessing deep poweder but I haven't been up to the mountain yet so I'm not certain.
if I kite locally it will be flat soccer field with less than 6" snow temps have been ranging from 28-35 degrees so the snow keeps alternating between
wet and dry.
saturday is supposed to be very cold so I'm expecting icy or dry snow conditions.
I'd say my abilities as a snowboarder are intermediate. I'm definitely not a park rider, more of a backcountry rider. I land about 90% of my jumps on
my butt but have no problems with going fast and carving.
I'd say I'm a much better kite and wakeboarder then snowboarder. having something to hang on to has always helped with landing jumps in my opinion.
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Oh that 13m will do ya fine my friend :P
Kites:PL Hornet 2.0m, 15m Synergy
Dakine Pyro Harness
Rides: MBS Comp 16 Pro, Sector9 Longboard, Forum Snowboard
And always a helmet
My Kiting Blog
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fly what you know for the wind range
the 13 would be a good start but the 12 will replace it quickly i am sure.
12 will have the most range by far,
sounds like fun
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Great feedback guys.. This weekend is going to be a blast. Im new to the snowkiting as well, but weigh a bit more @ 215. I do a fair bit of mountian
boarding and love the arrow, but like buzz said, it goes back in the bag real quick if any gusts come up or it gets over the 12ish.
My P4 15m wont be here til monday :shocked2: the pulse2 14m has been pretty fun on snow so far.. a little overpowered though.. good thing for FDS!
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have you tried the P4 yet ??
depower so good that you feel safe taking out a big 15m when others are flying smaller kites (12m and less).
And at 215, that might be the kite you'll be 90% of the time.
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Nope, I kinda Shotgun bought the p4 from dom. I jumped on his when he had it up. It looks like such a sweet kite I dont think I'll be upset with my
decision.. if I do. i still have my pulse2 14.. so one or the other will be on the market (pulse2 already is)
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Your Pulse2 will remain on the market.
I am just guessing, not enough experience yet with, but IMO the P4 15m has probably the same range as the Pulse2 12m+14m combined together.
Probably turns faster than the Pulse14
Handles gusts better
has 5th line
Has better chicken loop with swivel
Loop the kite, power, depower = magic your lines are untwisted
Yet more to come...