I don't know about the bullet but I had an IMP. It was a great kite. Mine was on a bar. Flew great, in low winds too. I almost never flew it in
winds greater than 10mph. Had good power and could scud in higher winds. It powered my buggy fine. It wasn't very lifty. The construction was
excellent. I never once had it luff and I didn't have to work it a lot to keep in the air. It was very easy to reverse launch. It was very durable
but I will warn you it doesn't like street lamps.
The only thing I regret about it was getting too close to that lamp.
HQ 1.4m which my 8 and 10 year old fly
Pansh Flux 2m, Legend 3m,
HQ Hydra 300 PZ depower, Neo 8m, 11m
Flysurfer S3 Deluxe 19m, S2 15m
Flexboardz Haize
SIMS snowboard
Crazy Fly 145