When registering online for the NABX, please be sure to follow directions on each registration page and do not close the window until you have chosen
a payment option and then received the Thank You message. Seconds later, you will receive an email confirmation that contains your NABX website login
to keep for your records. You will need this login information to register again next year. Additionally, you will need the login info to post photos,
stories etc. on the NABX website and take the post event survey.
Registration steps:
1. Go to
If you are registering for the first time, proceed to the registration form and fill out all required fields. Click the Continue button.
2. Next, you are presented the information for verification. Make sure that everything is correct and click the Continue button.
3. Next, choose a payment option. If you stop here and do not make a selection, you will have troubles making payment later. Please select to pay by
check or credit card.
If you choose to pay by check, pay-to information will be displayed and you have completed registration. Your name will show up on the attendee list
after your check has been received.
If you choose to pay by credit card (preferred), be sure to proceed through the checkout regiment until you are returned to our site and have received
the Thank You message. Your name will show up immediately on the attendee list.
Now that you have registered, a confirmation email has been sent to you containing your login information. KEEP THIS EMAIL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE as you
will need to login again next year.
If by chance you forget your password, you may click the 'forget your password?' link on the home page to receive a new password.
If you forget your member name, you'll need to contact the registration admin. BTW, member names are not email addresses. Keep that in mind if you
have trouble logging in.
Hope you find this info helpful.