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Author: Subject: Handles on Depower question
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question.gif posted on 17-3-2009 at 06:26 PM
Handles on Depower question

I've been wondering if anyone has tried to use a fixed bridle kite with a bar... Only been kiting with handles, never used a bar or a depower kite before.

Has anyone tried using a Pansh ACE with a bar????

I'm really interested in trying it but won't bother if its pointless, ya know? Help me out guys I'm a newb, only been doing this about a year and a half and always with handles and KKs. I stalk these forums avidly, just dont post often.
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[*] posted on 17-3-2009 at 06:29 PM

The kite is a Pansh Ace 8.0m that I got from Dakitez last year and an older Beamer 3 but that's too small for constant use.

Chicago suburbs - constant low wind is almost nonexistent. Gusty and shifty is almost always in the forecast...
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 17-3-2009 at 08:33 PM

What you are looking for is a " cross over " bar. For Fixed Bridle kites.

It is not a depower bar and doesn't make your ace a depower but the whole crossover thing gives a 2:1 action on the brake so you still get some brake input depending on how hard you crank the bar.

I started out with a bar on my 5m Ace and thought it flew , not bad. One day I was out in a field with terrible wind. I gave up and decided to use the time to put handles on. The extra control made it possible to fly it even with winds coming over rooftops. I was amazed.

You would lose a LOT of brake action on an 8m. I'm not sure you want to waist the money ? Better to put the cash towards a real depower kite.


NPWFever modified an 8m Ace to depower and is going to put it back to fixed. Search his posts about it ?

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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[*] posted on 17-3-2009 at 08:42 PM

yep, don't waste your money on bar. deezPanshes' first kite was an 8m Ace w/ a bar.
the kite could barely manage a complete turn in the span of the wind window. on handles it can turn on it's wing tip. depending on what your doing with it...
get a strop set up if you wan't to save your arms.
dzPs has other kites now and a couple of cross-over bars. i'm sure he tried his big Ace with a x-over bar and i'm sure he'll agree that handles(strop) are the way to go.

PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-
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[*] posted on 18-3-2009 at 07:14 PM

Thanks for the info Bladerunner!!

To be honest, I use my brakes sparingly on this 8.0 ace that reduced break input would be a plus for me. I hold a finger over each power line to get the least amount of input possible.

I'll def agree that for turning this damn kite with some sort of reasonably small radius you must use the brakes. I bet your 5 meter turns like a leaf compared to the 8 meter.

If I get a x over bar can i ONLY use it for fixed bridles right?

can you fly depower kites on x over bar?

what about the others like open cell kites?

sorry if i sound like a noob, everything I know has been from reading forums and solo experience.

I know 1 other kiter here in Chicago and havent had the pleasure of meeting up to kite.

Does anyone think the larger Pansh's luff more easily than others? Do you think this would increase/decrease on a bar?
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 18-3-2009 at 10:43 PM

can you fly depower kites on x over bar? NO

what about the others like open cell kites? your beamer and ace are open cell foils. An inflatable would be an example of a closed cell

Does anyone think the larger Pansh's luff more easily than others? Do you think this would increase/decrease on a bar? more than likely increase
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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 19-3-2009 at 08:36 AM

If by luff you mean overfly and deflate then a bar would be worse. With brakes you can slow the kite before it hits the edge. You have far better chances of recovery after deflation as well. I suggest you try flying the kite controlling it with brakes ONLY for a while. Try and pull off complete kite loops without anything but brake input. This will teach you a lot about a few things. It is more the way a depower kite is controlled. Steering from the back and flying on the front. See how you can speed the kite up or slow it down through the window with brake input. I'm afraid you are hoping that you can get way more out of your 8m than is possible. It is a big slow kite with a small wind range. Unfortunately no single kite can do it all. Save the money you would spend on a bar . It won't " improve " anything. Only simplify flying at the cost of control.

You don't need to appolagize for being new. We all were!

Kites: 2.5m Profoil , Quadrifoil XL kitesurfer, NPW 5 Danger.
Flexifoil: 1.7m Sting, 4.9m Blade 3, 9m Blade 2.
Flysurfer : 19m Speed 2 SA, 7m Pulse
Peter Lynn :18m Phantom, 15m Synergy, 10m Synergy, 1200 Farc, 460 Sarc, 130 Tarc, 5m Peel, 4.2m , 6.4, 8.5 C-Quads, 3.5 LS2 single skin.

Rides: Flexi / P.L. Frankin'Buggy , Shaped + straight skiis, sand skis, Coyote blades. Core 95 ATB. RKB R2 ATB .

Ken (K2)
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[*] posted on 23-3-2009 at 05:32 PM

Thanks for the input guys, these are def pieces of information I had been searching around for and couldn't find an answer.

I'm not hoping to do it all with 2 kites just gauging which is going to be my next kite/type ya know? yes closed cell is what i meant DKz thanks!

any other info or opinions from others would be appreciated!
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