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Author: Subject: Recently seen on eBay
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smile.gif posted on 4-4-2009 at 02:33 PM
Recently seen on eBay

Hopefully this is okay as there is no direct link to eBay or even a mention of the specific auction.

Saw this on one of the auction descriptions.

"This is an extremely powerful kite that generates a hell of a lot of lift and traction, if you are not a reasonably proficient flyer, stay away from this! The <nn.nn> has caused a lot of people a lot of pain. I accept no responsibility for any fool buying this and flying beyond their capabilities."

Kind of wondering if the notation was the result of an earlier sale.

I know of at least one retailer that has a similar disclaimer on a kite (that had seen returns from the overly optimistic) and another retailer that requires a waiver on any kite 3M or larger.

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[*] posted on 5-4-2009 at 01:29 AM

haha yep I though the same thing when I stopped by the kite shop in Boulder, CO a few weeks ago. Just about anything more than 2m, even big stunt kites needed a waiver. It baffles me that people cant take responsibility for their own stupidity and mistakes and try to sue the guys that sell the kites.
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