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Author: Subject: beamer 1.4 needs repairs, where do I go?

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[*] posted on 13-4-2009 at 10:34 AM
beamer 1.4 needs repairs, where do I go?

I opened up my 1.4 beamer after nabx and noticed one of the inner cells has ripped open. it is the fabric between the cells on the inside, it is totally torn. I would like to have it repaired but dont want to spend much considering it is a pretty small, inexpensive kite to begin with.
The kite saw a lot of use at nabx and I am not sure what (or who) caused the damage

can anyone recommend a good kite repair shop?

my bag:
Ted's Profoil 1.5m
HQ beamer 1.4m
Ozone Samurai 2.0m
JoJo RM+ 2.5m, 3m
PL Vapor 3.8m
PL Viper S 5.3m
Ozone Frenzy 05 10m
PKD Century 6.5m
Libre Hardcore
Libre V-Max
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[*] posted on 13-4-2009 at 10:57 AM

Jeff Howard of Precision Kite Company/ProKiteSurf/ FixMyKite should be able to get you sorted.

Video on how they do repairs can be found at the bottom of the home page:

Top of page has the link for filling out a repair ticket.

If you prefer to talk on the phone: http://www.fixmykite.com/contact.asp

Some rough pricing guidelines:

Current repair turnaround is 3 days.

Very straightforward, no BS type of person. Attention to detail borders on the fanatical.... but that's a good thing.

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[*] posted on 13-4-2009 at 12:12 PM

Yup, www.fixmykite.com has been doing it for years and is the best! Jeff runs a top notch service and is the repair facility we use for repairs that are to technical for our staff or in house.

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[*] posted on 13-4-2009 at 12:29 PM

I had sent off a kite to Jeff quite a few yrs back and when I got it back, my first impression was that he had switched it for a replacement. Only because the repair was invisible... :thumbup:

If ya ever want a kite repaired correctly, Jeff IS the man.

Libre hardcore (bf\'s and standards) KBSS suspension front end
Pegasus buggy

PKD Combats 2.9,3.5,4.8(proto type),5,6.8,7.2,8.6,10.3,15.4
jojo rm+ 6,7,8
jojo et 2.5m
jojo rs 2.7,3.5
Ariea Raptor 2,3
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[*] posted on 13-4-2009 at 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Dagon
I opened up my 1.4 beamer after nabx and noticed one of the inner cells has ripped open. it is the fabric between the cells on the inside, it is totally torn. I would like to have it repaired but dont want to spend much considering it is a pretty small, inexpensive kite to begin with.
The kite saw a lot of use at nabx and I am not sure what (or who) caused the damage

can anyone recommend a good kite repair shop?

crazy year for wind, if you have holes in the kite sail its probably from teh extreme high winds and the flying pieces of the drylake. LOL.

sounds like your kite got a lot of rider use to have that much damage on the LE. as you know that ground eats kite for breakfast.

kitefix is good too. i used it to repair my LE only.

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