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Author: Subject: 7m & 12m montana's
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[*] posted on 14-5-2009 at 08:50 PM
7m & 12m montana's

:puzzled:can anyone tell me how to use the power/depower
strap? and the center line adjustment toggles above the power/depower strap.:puzzled:

and maybe a general guide how to dial in the kites.
I will be using them on the coast with a landboard.

I will probably figure it out :wee: , I just figured since I don't have any burse allowance left & thought would save
the flying face plants for later :shocked2:.
thanks :sniff:

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[*] posted on 14-5-2009 at 09:26 PM

Have you already looked at the video guides for the Montana?

Part 1 is general setup of the kite:

Part 2 is adjustments, safety system, kite takedown

The latter is the one you want.

All the best,
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[*] posted on 14-5-2009 at 10:42 PM

thanks Sam,:singing:
that's exactly what I needed.:smilegrin:

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Posting Freak

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[*] posted on 14-5-2009 at 10:58 PM

Wish I knew about this video a few years ago ;)

Good stuff on how to resetup with the parking brake after you pull the primary safety. That took me a while to figure out.

Here's how I think about it...

On the center lines there's three knots. This "statically" controls the power of the kite. In other word you can set the kite to be "faster in the window with less pull", "in the middle (normal)", or "slower in the window with more pull". I usually fly on the middle setting. On my montata 1, on the less pull setting the wing tips tend to fold. The setting closest to the bar is "faster/less pull" and towards the kite is "slower/more pull".

The way you can remember this is that you pull the bar toward you to "power up"... and this pulls the rear lines in, which effecctivly makes the center line longer. Longer center lines = slower/more pull. When you let the bar out, it makes the rear lines out, which reletivly makes the center lines shorter - faster/less pull. The Toggles are on the center lines, so it's just backwards from how the bar works. Towards the kite slower/more power, towards the bar faster/less power. (Hope this didn't confuse you).

Then the depower strap lets you adjust/trim the ammount of depower while the kite is in the air. So you can add a bit more depower or take a bit more away if the wind picks up or dies. When you pull on the red strap it will lessen the pull of the kite. One single pull on the red strap will do this. And since this is a strap, you can choose to pull it a little or a lot. When you pull on the black strap it will release the lines back out to the "more pull" setting... or the "max pull" for where you set the center lines. Also, the way the strap works, you probably need to pull it a few times to get back to full pwoer. I usually fly with the trim in 1/4 or so.

The way you can remember this is red generally means "oh $#!+" :) So pull the red for less power!

Then finally the bar lets you on-the-flyadjust the depower. Up on the bar (towards the kite) is "faster, less power" and down (towards you) is "slower, more power".

So there's quite a number of ways you can twiddle the kite. When I first got the kite I kept it on the "less" settings, but after I got comfortable with it I move it up. But really Iv'e found that until you spend some quality time with the kite you probably will only be able to tell the difference between the fully powered and fully depowered settings :)

Here's a link to the user manuals... they have some good visuals.

US503 - Manzanita, Oregon

Fixed Bridal: Flexifoil Sting 1.2, 1.7; Rage Acid 2.5m, 3.5m, 4.7m, 6m | Peter Lynn Vapor 11.2m, 16.1m | NPW 7m
Depower : Peter Lynn Venom 2 13m, 16m, 19m | Peter Lynn Phantom 15m | Flysurfer 2.5 SA 19m
LEI : Flexifoil Atom 7m, 9m, 12m; Mutiny 8m
Land rides : Libre Hardcore; Libre v-max; Peter Lynn XR+W | Rollerblade Coyotes! | Ground Industries AK Pro
Water rides : Slingshot Misfit 134; Ocean Rodeo Mako 150; North WAM! 5\'10

4 Sale/Trade: HQ M1 5m, Flysurfer Pulse 10, PL Venom 2 16m, PL Venom 19m

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