I was just curious what other Psycho 4 owners have been running for there mixer settings.
I haven't checked my 15m in awhile but I set it to basically B -.5 C-1 and I shortened my main lines by about 2 inches to tune out some of the
I'm still not fully satisfied with the kite performance though. I can get plenty of depower and turning speed but I feel like I have to send the kite
really really hard to get much lift and even then I've sent the kite so far back that I don't usually get it back above me in time to get decent
float. if I could some how maintain the depower, turning speed and backstall that I've come up with and get the lift and float I'd expect from a foil
I'd feel more like I was getting a kite that fits the name psycho.
my 10m doesn't really give me the same problem even though it is about the same tune without the shortened main lines. I think the next step I'm going
to try is setting the mains on the 15m back to equal with the steering lines and adding an adjustable extension on the 5th line since I've heard
bigsteve and powerzone mention 5th line shrinkage as an issue with the P4's since the 5th line runs through that high friction block at the top of the
trim strap.
other peoples experience and settings would be greatly appreciated.