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Author: Subject: Kites for a fatty
Posting Freak

Posts: 1838
Registered: 2-7-2009
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[*] posted on 14-4-2010 at 05:02 PM

Originally posted by bobalooie57
I got a cookie recipe for ya roc, positively evil, :evil:I have been told. Guaranteed to cause weight gain. haha

Those the ones with the Reese's Cup in the middle?

"I gave up on wind speeds... its either crappy, gravy, epic, or stupid... in that order"

Ozone: Imp III Quattro 1m and 1.5m, Flow 2m, 3m, 4m, and 5m.
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[*] posted on 14-4-2010 at 06:50 PM

Welcome I to am a fat flyer and ill bet like me you don't look to terribly over weight. but all of ozones equipment is well built and strong. It is a complete work out if you fly a fixed bridle kite in any conditions. I have a 4.5 little devil that i learned on. at ten miles an hour it pulls like a truck and if the wind really picks up say to twenty i get out the bug and it becomes a full body workout. also i have a used liquid force 14m havoc and i jump with it regularly the key is a good harnes i suggest the dakain fusion seat harnes but at twenty with the depowerable and no mode of transportation staying upwind is a chore.

I size up at 6' 2" and was 300lbs ( just look at my avitar) but through diet and getting out more have reduced it to 287 so just get out and do it i promis most of the time just setting up the kites i break a sweat.

hope to see pics

Kiting The Natural High

\"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.\" Leonardo da Vinci

Ozone: 2.5 Samuri, 3 & 4.5 Little Devil

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Posting Freak


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[*] posted on 15-4-2010 at 07:45 AM

Yeah roc, maven, those cookies, Peanut Butter "surprise" Blossoms are the ones I also like to call Bob's Best. I took a local favorite-the Peanut Butter Blossom, which has the p-butter cup pressed on after baking the cookie, and hid the p-butter cup inside. by leaving the dough in a round ball wrapped around the cup, the cup kind of melts and spreads as the dough flattens while baking, when you bite in, you get a taste of peanut butter cup in every bite!yum. trying to attach the recipe, dunno if it will work, if not I'll e-mail it or u2u. Bob

Attachment: peanut butter surprise.wdb (93kB)
This file has been downloaded 138 times


Bob Lussier

1.4M Beamer III, 2M Beamer IV,2M Toxic HQ , 7.5MApex III, HQ, Quadrifoil XXXL (9.66M), NPW5 2.4,4.8m, NPW9 3.4M(HQ),NPW9 7M (RASTA\'S FURY), NPW9 7.6M (BIG SISTAH),NPW9 12MGREENMONSTER(km4), P L Comp ST buggy,PL Bigfoot+ buggy, Atomic Alibi Snowboard, Protec Knee/Elbow Pads & Helmet, Seirus wristguards, Demon crash shorts, LaCross chest/shoulder pads. (tryin\' to be safe!)
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