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Newbie question...
Hey guys I'm new to the whole power kite thing and I just bought this 3 meter power kite on ebay...
[url=]power kite
So I just finished reading scoops guide on this site, and from what he said I'm not sure if I bought the right kite for jumping. Should I ship this
kite back and get one of the ones he suggested like the ozone riot? Also I am not sure how to tie the handles to the lines correctly and set up a
braking system and all that. The kite came with very broad instructions so is there any good newbie tutorial that shows how to attach the kite to the
handles correctly for somebody totally new to this sport?
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Mood: Wanting to Jump!
What kind of a kite is it? What brand name?
That kite won't be good for jumping. BUT you don't want a kite that is good for jumping to learn on. A kite that is good for jumping is VERY
dangerous and possibly fatal in the hands of someone who is just getting started. No joke.
The lines should have a loop in the ends of them. Just use a larkshead knot to attach the lines to the leaders on the handles and the kite.
The kite will have four different leaders to attach to - 2 on the right side and 2 on the left. One of those leaders on one side should be attached
in about 4 places to the edge and bottom of the kite. This is your brake leaders. Attach this line to the leader on the bottom of the handle. This
is your brakes. The other leader from the kite is attached by lots of bridles attached to the middle of the kite. This is your main lines. Attach
this leader, with the line, to the top part of your handles.
Clear as mud?
Pansh Blaze 3M
Best Waroo 9M
GI AK 103
Mystic Seat Harness
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Sorry, this isn't going to be what you want to hear, but that kite looks like a total piece of crap. I'd send it back and buy a 3m kite from a
reputable brand such as HQ, Peter Lynn, Ozone, Flexifoil, PKD, etc etc. Do some searches around this site and you'll find many choices.
You can't really buy a first kite and a jumping kite at the same time. Doesn't work. Get a good 3m and then start saving/shopping for your jumping
kite which will be much bigger than 3m and more expensive as well.
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50 Meter Lines?? What are they putting in their egg rolls?
Most kites of this size will ship with 20-25 meter lines. And they will be properly pre-stretched Dyneema and color coded for easier set up and
sorting out.
Those handles look like Revolution Knock-offs and not the best choice.
My opinion is obviously going to appear biased, but this is not the best choice. Unless you buy used, a good 3m kite will set you back $210 - $260.
Some suggestions in no particular order...
Peter Lynn Hornet
HQ Beamer IV
Ozone Flow
Flexifoil Sting
PKD Buster
Start with 3m but do not expect to jump with it. It will not let you down easy. Later, with experience, go for a 5+ meter for jumping but even then
you need to know what you are doing and accept the elevated risk.
Welcome and be safe.
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I have flown that exact kite before and it was awful.
This guy was trying to fly it at our local park and it was just spinning like crazy. I went over to offer him help and he let me take a look.
Everything about the kite was horrid. The canopy felt like some kinda satin bedding fabric. The way the kite was sewn made the leading edge inlets
for the cells look misaligned.
After tuning all the flying lines, I 'flew' it. The flying lines felt like rubberbands during flight and they looked like they'd snap in anything
above 15mph. The canopy didn't hold its shape at all during flight. It looked like the wind was using the kite to play the accordion. I put it down
and recommended to him what the other guys above me are telling you:
Return the kite as soon as possible and buy a kite from a reputable kite company.
As far as which, any of the kites/companies listed above will be good.
2012 TS 7,9,12/2007 Waroo 3,5/2009 Kahoona 9.5
Flexifoil Ion 2 8.5
HQ Hydra 350
Naish Helix 2, Cult 3,4.5
Ozone Zephyr 17m
2011 Best Profanity 134, Cabrinha Kiteskate, Cabrinha Nugget, 2k9 Cabrinha Plasma 146x50, 2k9 Flexifoil Delta 139x41.5, 2011 Slingshot Darko 135x41,
Slingshot Scud, Tona wakeskate, Flexifoil Flexdeck, MBS Pro 90, MBS Ambush x 2, some oldskool buggy
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if your interested in kite jumping there are 'two' terms you should familiarize yourself with.
Lift and Float.
Lift being the kite picking you off the deck. Float being the the kites ability (when used correctly) to glide you gently/slowly back down. you do not
want the kite to drop your arse back down on the deck just as fast as it lifted you. generally speaking the smaller the kite the less 'float' they
will be capable of producing. a small kite can still lift. (i, at 185 lbs., can get my 1.8m kite to lift me)
*jumping (lift/float) is not an automatic function of a kite. some kites, when used properly, are more suited to jumping. you still have to learn the
proper timing and technique(s).
PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-
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okay thanks a lot guys, i appreciate it. I'm probably going to go with what burritobandit said, ship it back and get a new one from the ones u guys
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my friend has an ozone flow--excellent kite for the money(he paid 460 and its worth every penny) it is super stable and has the power we all
crave.......i would like to share with you my ideas on jumping,since i have spent literally hundreds of hours doing it within the last year.......long
story short,i have pulled off LOTS of 10 and 20 ft jumps and i even had a 30 footer once and they were all nice and safe,floaty jumps......after
thousands of jumps,i can say i have not been hurt a single time (thank GOD)--even so, i recently started getting into buggying and its an absolute
BLAST just like jumping.....i am seriously contemplating giving up the jumping as i can have just as much fun buggying without all the risks involved
with kite jumping....keep in mind i have been very lucky-even with decent skills to have gone this long with no mishaps--the scary thing is,the longer
you go without injury,the luckier you feel ,and you KNOW that an injury is going to get you sooner or later--and i dont think i want to take the risk least not with a fixed bridle kite.......SO...u may want to rethink the jumping and try buggies or landboard or the water or snow
activities........heck of alot safer than jumping