yup, start small. be aware though that the smaller kites are so fast when powered up enough for jumps that they can really thrash you before you know
the good thing about the rage is the option of the AAA, which can really extend the wind range.
but the guy who has flown both above is worth listening to.
6 of one, half dozen of the other, in the end it will come down to dollars.
neither will disappoint, both will hold decent resale value.
btw, tho I only fly static, my understanding is that you need to be good enough with the kite to fly it blind while powered up before you try to get
moving on a board.
and the last bit: just give up on the single kite idea and start planning now for a quiver, esp. if you plan to get moving on a board while flying
fixed bridles.
just my 2 cents, hope you don't mind...
fixed bridles, flying static, been two years now... ??? folks must be wondering....
sting 1.7, dp power 2.5, crossfire 3.2, ace 5, blade iv 6.5, ace 8, ace 12...
also a couple of arcs, 12 syn and 12 phanny, but i\'m not yet up to speed on them.