Ah, the Plovers... I can try to find that document if I get some free time around UMass one of these days. Might even be able to make a copy and
post it online or something. The beach I was flying at this week has some Plovers down near the end, but only the nesting area is closed to kites. I
was kiting out on the flats during low tide, a good distance away from them. I've always liked the little guys (that dance they do in the water to
stir up food is pretty funny), but I can see how it gets a little ridiculous when entire beaches are closed to kites and there are people running
around on the beach right next to the nesting site.
Nahunt is about an hour's drive from my girlfriend's house - maybe that'll happen one of these days. I'll have to see if I can convince her to come
with me. She tends to share my hobbies so it shouldn't be too hard; she's actually more fixated on kite jumping than me. I should probably show her
some more videos of newbies eating it on ill-considered jumps. That's what cooled my heels.