never flew an Arc.
in ~7kts a 16m Scorpion sat lifeless while I was jumping with 17m Speed 1.5
first time unrolling my (used) 19m SA2. Kestrel wind meter reading 2.5 gusting to 4.1kts.
figured nothing was going to happen but at least I'd be able to inflate kite and see how it looks. it launched easily and I was jumping higher/longer
than ever. *i'm not a freestyler/jumper. what i call jumps are my feet 3-5 feet above ground.
i'm not sure if it's due to being more excited(flying more aggressively) about the SA but the 'larger' 19 SA2 seems so much easier to time jumps. it
seems to turn quicker too. the 17m Speed 1.5 was checked over and tuned for me (by Powerzone) before I got it. I believe it is tuned for quick
turning. i can only seem to get about half the jumps i try with the 17m Speed 1.5 and nearly get all the jumps I tried with the 19m SA2.
I have buggied with both kites. the last time out was in low wind (did not meter it) but guessing around 3kts when we finally unrolled the big stuff.
the 19SA2 had me(180lbs) hauling, and then some, while my brother (220 lbs) was having difficulties keeping 17m S 1.5 airborne. *he has far less
experience with depowers than myself and i had just spent 5-6 straight hours buggying the day before using only my 7.3 Frenzy so i was not rusty.
'skeeters came looS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-n for supper as we were about to swap kites so I didn't try buggying with the 17m S 1.5 in those winds
i usually buggy with kite's trimmer/AoA bridle adjusted for low AoA.
I used the 12m Pu 2 snow kiting last year in winds that i wouldn't(couldn't) dare use with a buggy. So i'm guessing the 19m SA2 will have quite a
large usable range for snow.
I'm sure Denis is quite right when he says the 19m SA will pull in 4kts.
the first time my brother saw the SA we went to a field which is close to a tree line. it took a bit to launch but once up it stayed up easy. if we
looked at the trees 10 time, the leaves were 'still' about 7 out of the ten times. we were shocked. i was jumping(little) with the kite.
PKD-0.7m Buster, 1.4m Buster, 1.8m Century
HQ-Beamer III 3m
PL-Reactor 3.8m, Reactor II 6.9m
Ozone-IGNITION 1.6m, Little Devil 4.5m, 7.3m Frenzy
Pansh-Sprint Ltd Ed 5m, 7m Ace
Flexifoil-Blurr 5m
FS- Pulse2 12m, Speed 1.5 17m, lots of Revs and dual line stunters
Sirocco Sprint 4.2, 5.2 -SIROCCOx 5.2-