Amazing kites, easy to fly and fantastic upwind ability. Many times the kiters new to the Yakuza had break thoughs, I let lots of people try them,
everyone enjoyed and mentioned 'they know what kite they're buying next.'
they fly right out of the bag! I ended up breaking all the climax lines, so I reverted to my Ozone lines. STAY AWAY FROM ANY OTHER LINE SET OTHER
THAN OZONE'S. They are just way better a resisting abrasions. IMO I've had pilots fly into my climax sets, and bang they just snap. My Ozone lines,
win every time. I even went to 600lb for the 10 on up, so that I could really crank on the kite while riding the SOBB terrain.
I had my 10 out, and could ride the 5.5 in the same winds. This kite is for everyone, specifically a kite flyer that wants the best in control and
ease of use. It offer lots for the top end rider these kites have an endless top end.
The day I flew my 8.3 in gusty off shore on 40m lines, I got 49.68mph before lunch time.
Day before, with little hard pack, I rode my 5.5, and speaked a 45.32, and all of that speed was generated in about 100 m, If I had anymore room I
could've got much faster.
Again, these kites are amazing right out of the kite bag. No messing with adjustments or other hassles. Just hook on and you're instantly smiling!
2.5-6.8m kites I'd use 20-25m sets
6.8-14, go a little longer 30-40m sets really unleash the torque, you'll love the low end with longer lines.
If you're a racer, 15m sets are sweet, but the window is so small you'll have to set up for turns so the kite misses the ground on down loops in the
Cancel all your kite orders and contact your local Ozone dealer. These kites shouldn't be passed up.:wee: